Chionodoxa (Glory of the Snow)
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Chionodoxa bulbs shipping to Europe and the UK
Chionodoxa bulbs – the natural naturalisers
Once your Chionodoxa bulbs have found their happy spot and they have had time to mature, they will start to self-propagate, or naturalise. This happens when little ‘bulblets’ or ‘bulbils’ grow on the sides of the mother bulb - these are what is known as bulb offsets. You can choose to leave them in the ground and let the flowers spread and increase where they have been planted, or, if you wish, in Autumn, after the foliage has died back, you can gently lift the bulbs and detach the offsets, snapping or pulling them away from the parent, and then plant them elsewhere in your garden. Smaller offsets may need to be potted in rich soil and protected over Winter, larger offsets can be planted directly into the ground.
Where to plant Chionodoxa bulbs
Chionodoxa bulbs are very versatile. Glory of the Snow looks fantastic when planted en mass and makes a great choice for naturalising in lawns and under trees and shrubs; when planted in large quantities the flowers create a striking carpet of colour. Chionodoxa bulbs are also very well suited to rockeries or at the front of raised beds. Chionodoxa lucilea bulbs are a superb companion for other early bloomers such as tulips, muscari, hyacinths and narcissi.
Buy top-quality Chionodoxa bulbs with delivery in the UK
For the best-quality Chionodoxa lucilea bulbs for sale, browse the carefully selected top-sized bulbs available at DutchGrown. Our Chionodoxa Lucilea Bestseller Mix (Glory of the Snow) is an excellent choice for multi-coloured ground cover, and contains a mixture of our best-selling colours. We only supply top-sized bulbs for best performance. We ship our Chionodoxa bulbs from Holland for
Autumn planting.